FAQ: First Bond Offering
❓ Where can I find information about the first bonds?
🅰️ In the docs: https://docs.lydian.xyz/basics/bonding and in the announcement article: https://link.medium.com/CwbG8Vpcvob
❓ Where can I find the liquidity pool to get the right LP token (wLDN-USDA)?
🅰️ You can find the correct pool on Arkadiko Swap.
❓ When will the liquidity pool become available?
🅰️ Arkadiko creation of liquidity pool (wLDN-USDA): Monday, 21st of March, 12 pm (noon) CET, 7 am EST, 8 pm KST/JST
❓ When will the first bonds open at Lydian?
🅰️ Opening of the first bonds for LP: Tuesday, 22nd of March, 2 pm CET, 9 am EST, 10 pm KST/JST
❓ Do I claim my tokens as wLDN or LDN after the auction?
🅰️ Both are fine now. wLDN is a wrapped representation of sLDN that allows you to use the token on other platforms (such as Arkadiko to get the LP token). wLDN will currently not grant rebase rewards since they are currently disabled until the staking feature is enabled.
❓ Should I ever hold base LDN in the future?
🅰️ No, you should always have wLDN or sLDN, since this will grant you with rebase rewards once the staking feature is enabled and rebase rewards have been activated.
❓ When can I trade my LDN for wLDN?
🅰️ The functionality to wrap and unwrap your LDN has been enabled: https://app.lydian.xyz/wrap
❓ What are the bonding parameters for the initial bonds?
🅰️ You can find them in the announcement article: https://link.medium.com/CwbG8Vpcvob
❓ There is a 770 LDN limit per bond, but if I want to value 1,000 LDN, is it possible to divide the bond into two (770 and 230)?
🅰️ Yes, the limit per bond is 770 LDN, but you can make multiple transactions.
❓ When will staking of LDN be enabled?
🅰️ When bond limit is reached, or after 5 days on Sunday, 27th of March (whichever comes first)
❓ When will swapping of LDN in the pool on Arkadiko Swap be enabled?
🅰️ When bond limit is reached, or after 5 days on Sunday, 27th of March (whichever comes first)
Last updated